Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Cats and Horses

I just joined lj, I am quite sure I had another account somewhere... floating around in the lj community - in which I conveniently forgot my username - so I made another one, JUST to join the rgjudo blog. But since Fik has been expounding the virtues of lj and how bad blogger is, maybe I might use the lj, if I can actually figure it out. FIK! The reason why I gave up on lj is because blogger is the idiot's version of lj, or at least I think so. Idiot-proof, tada!

Ah yes, back to cats and horses. We recently did a compre on how these warriors rounded and captured wild horses. And the author seemed to have a prejudice against the ones who have the common sense to survive. Pride gets into people's way many a time, not that it isn't something we should have, but too much pride will lead to one's downfall. And pride mixed with stubborness [as it so often is] is one of the worst cocktails I have ever known. Anyway, what the narrato of that certain passage wrote was something along these lines:

Horses are like people, they can calmly continue grazing even as a huge train/rhino/elephant/hippopotamus rushes past them. However, if they hear a sudden small noise, they will be spooked etc. etc. Like how men are spooked by spiritual things they can't even see [something like that]. Cats [referring not really to domestic but wild ones] on the other hand, when confronted with something of the same kind [train/rhino/elephant/hippopotamus] will run off and hide. While a small sound sends them crouching, ready to pounce.

The gist of it is there, if it sounds even more biased then I'm truly sorry, if I get back the passage I shall write it in.

And so, based on my prejudiced opinion, I think that it's not such a good thing to be like horses. Ahh... I shall have to continue another time. Public computers are not good, I want my own computer/laptop.

I realise I have been using more elipses lately, this is a bad sign, and I'm not using them very correctly. This is bad, I shall have to stop myself before my english detoriaties. On a funnier hand - someone told me something about the wrong interpretation of slash--> / . >< Haha.

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