Friday, March 31, 2006


Lots of things I wanted to write about today. But I forgot. >< I am so amazed by myself. Oh! Interesting topic! I saw someone on the train today with a tweetybird tattoo! No offense but tattoos should be more fierce shouldn't they, what for go through all the pain for a little cartoon etched on your forearm for eternity? Unless you're a diehard fan of tweety bird I suppose.. *shrugs* But I hardly see tweety bird stuff around anymore. But tweety bird's like, classic, like disney and looney tunes. They're all classics. Classic is nice, it's kinda like saying it lasts through generations and generations and no one really gets sick of it. Then what's the definition of classical music I wonder.

Less talk about the classics of our modern world, let's talk about Singapore's declining population. The oh-so-hot topic the government is talking about now. Hmm,maybe not, maybe it's just because we're learning about population studies that I'm going crazy. I have a feeling I'm being brinwashed. *gasp* Actually, it might be because I have a premonition that I'm gonna fail me geog test that's why all the talk about our population.

But I seriously don't find anything wrong with kids. And I support procreation in marriage [this coming from someone who doesn't plan to get married and give birth {I'd adopt}] And kids in your marriage don't drive you apart, they bond you and your husband closer together. I don't see why people can marry so easily and then get a divorce just as easily. I suppose it's brought on by westernization [look at Britney Spears, Marie Presley, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt dardardar]. I don't remember any chinese tales in which people get divorced. At the most they'll get another wife. But at least they still are attached to their old wife.

Sometimes I think this world is really going to the dogs. Most of us are becoming dogs already actually. Lots of people don't take marriage seriously anymore. Singapore's divorce rate is growing. Do they not take a vow, don't they stand in front of a minister as a testimonial to god that they as a couple will stay together through thick and thin? through sickness or death? [is it like that? I ain't sure] Or maybe the majority of the divorced couples never went through any vows whatsoever. That's the problem when you don't have christian marriage. But there are those even with a christian marriage, that still go against God. And I wonder who's fault is that.

Lol. I doubt even though I might be a romantic and all that, I think that those boyish ones in my batch of Sec 2s'06 will get a boyfriend and get married earlier than me. My standards are just far too high.^^ Anyway, I ain't looking for a bf.

I don't see why people want relationship partners so early in life, we don't need another burden on our already-heavy-loaded shoulders. Maybe it's the lack of love we all suffer from one way or another in this money-driven world. Whatever the problem, I just don't find it right.

Haiy, I'd never be able to solve the problems of the world, thereare just too many.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

1. Grab the book nearest to you and turn to Page 18, Line 4.
Not long after leaving, the old goat heard the bell's tinkle, so he hurried... [I was suprised this book even had a page 18...]

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
I touched Vol 7 of DeathNote. :D

3. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
Lovers in Paris? [but I watched Air 1 on the com]

4. Without looking, guess what the time is.

5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
10.15 -_^ Time runs faster than I thought, I'll have to train harder to catch it I suppose.

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
The fan, it gives me a very reassuring sound.

7. When did you last step outside?
6.40 in the morning.

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
The laptop screen. duh, what else?

9. What are you wearing?
Oh, why do you need to know?

10. Did you dream last night?
Ah no, not in my memory card. It says I did not fantasize anything whatsoever when I was semi-concious.

11. When did you last laugh?
As in really laugh out loud? Or laugh in my mind? Lol would be in school, in my mind it would be when I read that Geri dreamt cloud was her lover!!! Woo!

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?

13. Seen anything weird lately?
Like what? Actually, I saw an alien ship crashing into my HDB flat and erasing everybody's memories, even your's, but I kept my memory card safely hidden in my piggy bank. :D

14. What do you think of this quiz?
Lame. I mean, who asks the obvious like what you looked at before starting the quiz? quite obviously the screen would have to come first right?

15. What is the last film you watched?
Don't ask, I don't remember. This shows that bringing me to the cinema is a waste of time and money.

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
How would I know? I'd put everything except for 500,000 in the bank first I suppose, then I'd proceed to buy, um, landed property?

17. Tell me something about you I don't know.
You know me. Revelation.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you change?
The world's fine alright. I'd change the people living on it.

19. Do you like to dance?
What dance? I can't dance salsa, but heck, shall we dance?

20. George W Bush...
is a pathetic excuse for a president who presides over 14? states.

21. Imagine your first child is a girl. What would you call her?
My first child will be adopted and will be a boy.

22. Imagine your first child is a boy. What would you call him?
Ah, I thought of a son but he is faceless and nameless. I don't do names.

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
yah, when we get a horrible prime minister [like G.W.B] and corrupted government, so nowhere in the near future perhaps.

24. What would you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
Welcome home.

25. 4 people who must do this in their blogs.
Hmm, who wants to know what people wear in front of their computers?
Woo. Talking about my last post where I said I was slow, well, I was so slow as to save my last post as a draft. Haiy, when will I ever grow up. ><

Since school started, I've been feeling that argh-school-is-such-a-waste-of-time feeling. 213 just got "prep talked" today about our unresponsiveness and tardy work. Oh well, I don't know what's wrong with this year. Last year was worse I suppose, whenI compare it with this year. But P6 was the best! I wish my life could be a replay of P6, then I'd be eternally happy. ^^

I am really wondering why I chose to go to RGS nowadays. It's like super-stressfull, bleak, academic life. The neighbourhood schools seem to have it more colourful. But it's like Emma said I suppose, there are neighbourhood school students who want our hectic lifestyle, and we pine for a slack lifestyle, but after we both get tired of them, we will hanker for our previous lives. So much for steadfast-ness. Human nature is so fickle *sighs and shakes head*.

We will go out into the working world at 20 with grey in our hair and lines in our face. Such is the fate of our students. Just kidding, it's a great big exxageration, maybe not so big. Look at Jing Wei, she has a headfull of grey hair. No kidding.

My fickle nature will ensure that I'd never be able to stay in an office job. DUH. I'm gonna set up a boutique in the second story of some Shophouse near Chinatown. ahh, Big dreams, I don't even know if I'd be able to fulfill it. I plan long, but never in between. That's my problem, so don't ask me how I'm ever gonna set it up.

Ah!! I forgot all about the RahOch webby. Haiy, I'll try to finish it in the June school hols I suppose. Well wish me good luck to surviving this term without getting expelled or suspended or getting another BETA.

Good night and good luck

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Woah, long time since I've updated. Sorry, cause the main com couldn't get into blogger [don't ask me why *shrugs*]

Haiy, so many things have been happening this weekend, like spending whole day at church, I liked that :D and um.. Going to SHATEC!! for a Western Dining Ettiquette course thing in which I knew hlf the things they taught except for the part about hosts and guests. [The part that got me tickled was when Mr. Low talked about the couple who asked for chilli sauce and got thrown out by the chef! HOW can the chef PAY them 600 bucks [most probably euros] to throw them out, but I guess it was really insulting for the couple. Who ask them to ask for chilli sauce... Even I know better. But when you imagine it, it's really funny.

You have a BIG HULKING european chef, with a really cute moustache!! [The kind that curls up at the ends] towering over a chinese couple [who wants to smother chilli over their food] and then the chef is trying his bad not to get mad and he's turning red [ok, this is just part of my imagination] and the chinese couple is squeaking away for their chilli sauce and the big chef goes booming "GET OUT OF MY RESTAURANT! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU IN HERE AGAIN!"

Haha! I was trying hard not to laugh and sydney was behind me laughing something I said.. I can't remember what already. Anyway, the best part was the last part! The DINNER!! Oh man,that was the first time I ever ate honeydew for appetizer It was really wierd. But it was nice. They forgot to give my honeydew to me and the matron? went "Oh deary me [really no kidding] first we forget to give you your drinks, then we forget your appetizer!" He was really funny, but he looked kinda disapproving sometimes. Oh, and when somebody in the kitchen did something [sounded like he/she dropped lots of dishes in the sink] and we all heard this 'crash' he went "Oh! Looks like it's going to rain." [insert polite laughter] Lots of them were really slow and didn't get it.

I don't really see why people look at us RGS girls differently, true, we have more stress, more enrichment activities which I suppose I'll never see a need for, more people going 'You're all from RGS, how can you do this... blahblah" But what makes us different from all other students? WHY do they look at us and say we're proud? I mean, yes maybe some of us are proud, but not EVERYONE here. But I think I'm slower than the average student from a neighbourhood school bout some stuff. And I can be really blur at times. We're all the same, prejudice is scary.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Early Mornings

I like waking up before dawn. Although I'm not as refreshed as waking up normally, I still feel kinda, I don't know how to explain it. It's just this feeling that I get when I wake up really early. :D Like when I woke up in Muar at 6:50. I liked Muar.

Anyway, I woke up at 6:11 today [according to my handphone] and I left the house at 6:40 so I could go to Hougang Sec to find that current measurement thingy for Jing Xian, but they didn't find anything. T_T Therefore, because of the earliness [is there such a word?] I reached school at 7:15+!!!! When I was supposed to be here at 8:30. Nevermind, I like having spare time. I'll sleep in RS [oops]

Waking up early on a schoolday is terrible, none of that nice feeling. But is you wake up and know that something nice is gonna be happening, like waking up to catch a plane, I get really excited! :D I dunno, waking up early in foreign lands are also exciting to me. Me and my bro usually wake up early to watch the sunrise in different countries. Even waking up early in Sentosa is totally different from waking up early on a school day. Haiy.

I want to go to Japan, land of high living expenses. I can find so many faults with that country and still continue loving it after all that. Is that called love? Like how my mom can continue loving me with my thousand and one bad ways, and how she can live with my dad for 16 over years despite... um, him.*shrugs* How come I love Japan so much?

I don't wanna go for RS. I don't mind going to learn Western Dining Ettiquette cause Jing said they had good food in Shatec, can't wait for my 4pm dinner :D

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Today is my birthday. Only 5 people wished me "Happy Birthday". Only 2 actually said it to my face. Growing up does suck.

The Ones Who Sit In The Dark

Tuesday - hmm, that would have been two days ago - was the day I went on a battlefield tour. It wasn't that bad, lots of blood and gore, but only in the stories, the stories of bloody fights on my darling little Singapore. Our guide was one who tried, in spite of his own beliefs, to give us the unadultarated version of the whole war. But there was a very big issue of the Geneva.. um something. AHH!! I can't remember what it was called but it started with a C.

Anyway, it is an agreement signed by a country stating that it will not break those rules by treating their POWs[Prisoners of War] badly, by not intruding on their human rights. And according to those rules which Japan and the US signed, the POWs have a right to their uniforms and their senses. Both of which was breached respectively. Are POWs not allowed to be treated as humans? Are they not allowed to still be proud of the country they have fought for? Are they to be humiliated? To be treated like dogs or scum? When they could be more honourable than any of the soldiers torturing them? Are they to be treated badly when all they have done was to defend their own nation?

According to Japan, the soldiers said they were not informed that their government had signed it, either that, or they refused to accept that Japan had agreed because they did not agree with the government signing such an agreement. What twisted lies to cover their horrible misdeeds. But Father forgive them, they know not what they do. To be led on by a madness resulting from selfish ambition. To destroy in the dream that you could create, and create what?

America, I suppose I consider it worse there. It's where people live out the American dream do they not? While suffering continues right in the neighbouring country. While they invaded Iraq for it's precious oil. While the price of petrol goes up in other places. While there is genocide under their very noses.

How come men revel in the very evil of the world? How come we are born with sin in our minds? And everyday, we cry out to God that he will make our lives easier, that we will not fall into sin. That our lives in good, will be a blessing. I wish I could pray for the world, but there are times when even on my bed at night I forget to pray for myself. That's when the devil strikes. In the dark.

War was conceived in the dark, but carried out in day. By the men who had no choice, by the men who followed orders. Never the presidents in their comfy chairs, or the Prime Ministers in airconditioned Parliaments. Never the ones who first declare war. Don't misunderstand me, I don't think every president is bad. There are great ones who lead their countries to prosperity without destroying another country. But the ones who conceive war, are the ones who sit in the dark.

Oh, I remembered what the agreement is. It's the Geneva Convention.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

So much has gone by, and my trusty green diary is not near me. Therefore, the nearest thing i could find was this laptop and thus the birth of this blog! I hope this will keep up, my last blogs all died out sooner or later.