Friday, September 08, 2006

Fangirl Alert. Unnecessary post.

Ahhh, I promised myself I would never fangirl in my entire life... But they're Japanese pretty boys. Die die, *cries* Ahaha, oh well, I'll get over it, I hope.

I've been reading Massu<3Tegoshi, or somewhere along that lines, 2 of NewS members' diary! Haha, Tottemo Kawaii! Both of them super super cute, with hundred's of emoticons gracing the page. Translators are <33, many thanks many thanks. I have decided that I will get better at jap, so I can read japanese. I tried reading this magazine article, but failed terribly... T_T Couldn't even get pass the first few words. Hey, but I recognizes "Azumi", Azumi Hamasaki, she's quite pretty. ^^

You know, they're all really young, they're about the same age as you or me when they debut, it's kinda sad. They can't go around being normal teenagers and have to run here and there filming, posing, singing in concerts. JAPAN IS COOL. Kakkoi! (means cool in japanese) They actually have almost fulltime child-stars. Oh well, maybe because they're all cuter when they're young. And I think it's true, once they start thinking the macho image is in, they don't look cute anymore. T_T 1 good example is yamapi, he looks just wrong nowadays, I don't know why, but I liked his look better when he was 13, (in Ppoi) So much cuter kae, although his acting was really stoned. Ahaha >< I MUST STOP FANGIRLING. period, I should go to sleep, or else I'll start sleeping in R&J screening tomorrow and I don't want to miss any of Bahz Luthman's wonderful goodness.

XueWen is our batch's Akira (nobuta wo produce), haha, XueWen please stay as you are and don't learn from the lecherous geoffrey, and stalking other-rosyth-'04-guys. Muacks.

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