Thursday, May 11, 2006


How long have I not written? A substantially long time I guess. So much has happened I don't know what to say.

I had a really animated discussion on msn with Emma and Sumo yesterday. It's funny how people can be so open on the net and talk and laugh [haha] and then in real life you hardly say hi. And when you really see that person, you try to look away and pretend you hadn't seen that someone. It's wierd in a way that we have come to rely on computers to socialize. And I realised I'm really antisocial.

I won't start a conversation on my own with a potentially new friend.
I won't say hi to a hardly-seen person.
I rely on others to take initiative.

o_O Well, well, maybe Jasslyn was right, I am antisocial. I may not seem all that bad online, but in real life... Hard to start the ball rolling perhaps. But when I'm high, I can be really crazy. ^^

Todays Bel Canto was superb!! I can't believe how great our choir is [actually I can]. Act, dance, sing, pro people! I realised that most of the girls in our school are great actor/actresses. The actors are even better than the actresses sometimes. The girls who play boys really seem to know how to make themselves look like guys, even if they have long hair. Maybe its the way they walk, or maybe the way they sit, or maybe its just them. But I think they excel at what they do, be it if they're singing, or acting or something.

Ever thought of falling in love? But what's the meaning of 'falling in love' in the first place? Is it a really literal? That when one falls in love, they fall into an abyss of um.. I don't know, emotions? Or is it metaphorical? Where falling in love just means, well, falling in love? This is just totally irrelevant and I'm not really thinking straight. A happy Vesak day to all. And I loved BelCanto.

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