Saturday, May 27, 2006

Pasta and Clay

This has gotta be fast, I just realised it has been a really long time since I typed in a post!! Maybe I'll come back tonight to finish a good long thought-provoking one!

Just an update on my life - I am currently eating the best panfried pasta my Dad has cooked [actually, I think this is his first, but anyway] Seems like my Dad specialises in pasta, well, he doesn't cook much anything else. *shrugs* - back to the point. What was I gonna say again??

Yes, for all those who have seen my msn display nick, Clay Aiken is SO much better with his new hairdo. :D Yay! It's Bae Yong Jun style now [pls tell me to correct his name if it isn't spelled right] Never really noticed him untill American Idol 5 Finale, where he appeared in a NEW hairdo!! Oh man, he looks so dreamy now, a_a... haha. Eeh, well, I shall rush off now to church!! *happyhappy!*

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I'm sick today. Woah! Most exciting news of the day.. I'ev been having this horrible headache that won't let me off for even a day since friday. At least I have an mc to skip school today! I just regret not saying yes when the doctor asked if I wanted 2 dasy of mc. THen I won't need to file english and lit. But I would also have a superbly overdue consent form for the KL trip. >< I didn't even bring the form back home, I think?

I slept at 6pm and woke at 9am, didn't even eat dinner, but I don't exactly feel much better. At least I know that friday is almost a day closer! Can't wait, no more school for 4 weeks! But I'llhave to finish my Poetry Anthology then. drats.

I can't wait for saturday, then I can go back to church. Don't know why, but at church, I don't have headaches. Must be because its church. :D I was going to write another of my "depressing posts" - as geri calls it - but I forgot what it was all about. *shrugs* Horrible Headaches.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Rosyth and Rgs

I've been avoiding blogging the past few days [or was it a week??] I just didn't feel like it I guess.. *shrugs* But I don't want this blog to die, no thanks, I'm gonna change my blogskin soon, soon, but I don't know when is soon. *sigh*

I really don't know what's wrong with me lately, been a little angsty, been pmsing a little, but not really that much. Haiy, must be because I didn't do devotion for a few days. Or maybe it's just lack of sleep. *needs sleep*

Ever had a time when you really needed something, or wanted something, but didn't allow yourself to have it because you had some kind of "image" to keep. Well, sometimes, I do that, well, not exactly sometimes, quite a few times I've been like that. I hate myself for not being true to my heart. Hate myself for caring so much about what others think about me. Hate myself for being so paranoid.

I guess I used to be worse, so I shouldn't complain. But I miss being 12, miss being 12 so, so much. Rosyth in p6 seemed to be the best place on earth. Rgs, well, I'll just say it isn't the ideal place I had in mind when I first joined. Innocence lostI guess.

Used to have a mindset that if I had no proper excuse, there would be no excuse for me to pon cca or school. But I've been influenced so much by the people around me. It doesn't even weigh on my consience anymore if I do. It feel so bad to know that you've become worse, especially when you know you became worse after coming to a "great" school. Can't help it, it was my choice. In a way, Rgs has shaped me, not much, not as much as Rosyth did, but in a way that I'm less anti-social.

I was thinking today that Rgs seemed to be grooming us to be business women, or teachers, or politicians, or deskjobbers [lol], or something along that lines. All-rounder?? Are you sure?

Friday, May 12, 2006

My BADNESS level! [koped from bryan]
1) smoked
2) consumed alcohol
3) slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex [TICK]
4) slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex [TICK]
5) made out with someone of the opposite sex _what is the exact definition of making out??
6) made out with someone of the same sex
7) had someone in your room of the opposite sex [TICK]
8) watched porn
9) bought porn
10) done drugs
Total: 3
11) taken painkillers [TICK]What's so bad about this??
12) taken someone else's prescription medicine [TICK]
13) lied to your parents [TICK]whoops
14) lied to a friend [TICK] ><
15) snuck out of the house [TICK]
16) done something illegal
17) cut yourself [TICK]
18) hurt someone [TICK]
19) wished someone to die [TICK]
20) seen someone die
21) missed curfew
22) stayed out all night
23) eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself [TICK]
24) been to a therapist [TICK]I think, or maybe not...
25) been to rehab
26) dyed your hair [TICK]
27) received a ticket I don't drive
28) been in a wreck [TICK]
29) been to a club [TICK]
30) been to a bar [TICK]
31) been to a wild party _nuhuh
32) seen the Mardi Gras _huh? whats mardi gras? Is it
34) had a spring break in Florida _I really don't see how going to florida is bad.
35) sniffed anything [TICK] duh
36) wore black nail polish
37) wore arm bands
38) wore t-shirts with band names
39) listened to rap [TICK]
40) own a 50 cent CD
41) dressed gothic
42) dressed prep
43) dressed punk
44) dressed grunge
45) stole something
46) been too drunk to remember anything
47) blacked out _so if you're sick, you're bad.. this shouldn't be a badness level quiz
48) fainted
49) had a crush on your neighbor
50) had someone sneak into your room [TICK]
51) snuck into someone else's room [TICK]
52) had a crush on someone of the same sex
53) been to a concert [TICK]
54) dry humped someone _there is very wrong connotations to this is there..?
55) been called a slut
56) called someone a slut
57) installed speakers in your car
58) broke a mirror [TICK]
59) showered at someone of the opposites sex's house [TICK]
60) brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush [TICK]
61) consider Mac, Dre, e40 or Mistah Fab your favorite rapper
62) seen an R rated movie in theaters
63) cruised the mall [TICK]
64) skipped school [TICK]
65) had an eating disorder
66) had an injury [TICK]
67) gone to court [TICK]
68) walked out of a restaurant without paying [TICK]
69) caught something on fire [TICK] um, more of set something on fire
70) lied about your age [TICK]
71) owned an apartment
72) cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend
73) cheated with someone
74) got in trouble with the police
75) talked to a stranger [TICK]
76) hugged a stranger
77) kissed a stranger
78) rode in the car with a stranger [TICK] *gasp*
79) been sexually harassed
80) been verbally harassed [TICK] well, kinda.
81) met face to face with someone you met online
82) stayed online for 12 hours straight [TICK]
83) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours straight [TICK]
84) watched TV for 12 hours straight [TICK]
85) been to a fair [TICK]
86) been called a bad influence [TICK]
87) cursed [TICK]
88) prank called someone [TICK]
89) laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex [TICK]
90) cheated on a test [TICK] Ting Xie ><
91) cheated on homework [TICK]
92) held hands with someone of the opposite sex [TICK]
93) been pushed into a pool [TICK] pulled and pushed
94) played pool [TICK]
95) watched 5 hours of mtv straight
96) had a crush on someone 10 years older than you _that'd be 24. SO OLD!! jkjk
97) had a crush on someone younger than you
98) wear eyeliner
99) skinny dipped _I think I've said before, I haven't been anywhere...
100) laughed at someone who was seriously hurt [TICK] emma

Let's see, Total Score: 49... Am I bad or am I bad?
haha, More than Bryan, more than furrybear, but less than Yidan!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


How long have I not written? A substantially long time I guess. So much has happened I don't know what to say.

I had a really animated discussion on msn with Emma and Sumo yesterday. It's funny how people can be so open on the net and talk and laugh [haha] and then in real life you hardly say hi. And when you really see that person, you try to look away and pretend you hadn't seen that someone. It's wierd in a way that we have come to rely on computers to socialize. And I realised I'm really antisocial.

I won't start a conversation on my own with a potentially new friend.
I won't say hi to a hardly-seen person.
I rely on others to take initiative.

o_O Well, well, maybe Jasslyn was right, I am antisocial. I may not seem all that bad online, but in real life... Hard to start the ball rolling perhaps. But when I'm high, I can be really crazy. ^^

Todays Bel Canto was superb!! I can't believe how great our choir is [actually I can]. Act, dance, sing, pro people! I realised that most of the girls in our school are great actor/actresses. The actors are even better than the actresses sometimes. The girls who play boys really seem to know how to make themselves look like guys, even if they have long hair. Maybe its the way they walk, or maybe the way they sit, or maybe its just them. But I think they excel at what they do, be it if they're singing, or acting or something.

Ever thought of falling in love? But what's the meaning of 'falling in love' in the first place? Is it a really literal? That when one falls in love, they fall into an abyss of um.. I don't know, emotions? Or is it metaphorical? Where falling in love just means, well, falling in love? This is just totally irrelevant and I'm not really thinking straight. A happy Vesak day to all. And I loved BelCanto.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Want it?

Bryan came over to my house today to finish his Mep project. He made me realise how long I haven't been practising my singing and piano. eep... ><

Someone said something about singing being a lifelong skill and everything, true I suppose, but I don't forget the technique, I forget how to make it work. Same thing with the piano, except that it ain't so bad. But to forget how to make black squiggles on paper become beauty for a moment, it's terrible. To know you could once do something beautiful with ease, and now you're struggling. It's also scary, scary that you lost an ability, scary that you know you won't be thinking of getting it back soon, and scary because you know if you don't try now, you don't know when you might just lose all hopes of getting it back.

Practise makes perfect, but no one says, no practise means losing it. Is it because if you're not practising means you don't want it anymore? Does it mean that maybe in your subconcious mind you think it isn't exctly necessary? Whatever it means, I do know that I want to sing, that I want to play the piano fluently. But I keep making up excuses. Does that mean in the back of my mind I really don't care anymore? I'm not too sure myself now...

If you want it, you'd go out of your way for it.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Public Speaking and the General Elections

Today's been kinda eventful, what with the Sec2 GEP Publc Speaking Competition and the GE soming up tomorrow.. We won both 1st and 2nd prize!!! RG pons all... ^^ lol egoistical thinking *shrugs*

But it's true, I think both our teams did really well, better than the rest and far better than some. They weren't dry like some teams, they had quite good time-management, and their ads were all great! ^^ I like IIntergrate! I really have to take my hat off to all the presenters, they were so professional! [except for Sufen and JoHo...] I couldn't stand in front of that kind of audience and deliver a nice speech kae..

Actually, in a way, they were like the politicians rallying today! lol. Just that they weren't working for the public's score but the judges. I was taking 156 home from Nanyang today and there was a terrible jam at Ang Mo Kio so I got home at 7+ when I could have gotten home at 6+... Longest 156 journey I ever took. Rallying is kinda fun to watch, all the promises, all the complaints, all the bitching.

Actually, before the General Elections, I thought politics was just really dry and uninteresting and a thoroughly adult thing. Why, I prove myself wrong the more I read, watch and listen! I think LKY is really a good leader, better than Hitler.[Not that I support Hitler but anyway...] I think he speak better than Lee Hsien Loong. Serious, I think our PM speaks better in english but our MM can converse really fluently in both chinese and english. I guess our forefathers will always be better at some things?

The General Elections are gonna start and, sadly, end tomorrow. No more of all the hype, all the activity, [I think this is the only time our ministers come down to the mortal world to shake hands with commoners, no offense] all the scandals. I think in modern day society, leaders need to be honest, humble, and most importantly understand their people and their people's needs.

Not like G.B. Does his people need war? Does America need more oil so desperately that she has to resort to war? I don't really think so, I think the most pressing problem with America is that there the people their really have nothing better to do. MAKE THEM WORK FOR WHAT THEY GET. seriously, I think Asian governments are better because well, they're run by asians? I support asian culture wholeheartedly, european culture used to be better, much better, when people still had manners and bothered about ettiquette.

Back to the point of our GE. I think the Gomez Saga was really stupid, if you're trying to attract attention, go join Singapore Idol or Superstar or whatever TV show comes up, why resort to such stupidity? Even if you're not honest, at least you could be smarter not to do it in front of a TV camera right? *shrugs*

Mr. Lee Kuan Yew said that [or at least I think he said something like that] Singapore's politics are becoming Thirdworld politics. In a way, I quite understand. I would like to see First World politics in this small heavily-reliant-on-human-resource country. However, I think third world politics are like reading the Chinese zao bao with the latest scandals. It's just so interesting! But it's freaky to see it happening in your own country. And you just think, what kind of leaders will tomorrow bring?

Politics can be so interesting!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

March quiz

All thanks to Erik, I have learnt the art of striking out on blogger. >< So now I can actually do this quiz!! ^^ Loves quizzes!

MARCH: Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.

Ah, I might sound really mean that I don't return kindness, but if I could remember I would. [Me and my poor memory] Its also the same with revenge.. If I could remember, I bet I would have alot more grudges..

Monday, May 01, 2006


Hey! Two posts in one day.. I must be bursting, lol. Just that after 2 hrs, half of dinner is completed. ^^ Tomorrow's my Dad's birthday, Mum obviously doesn't have time to cook tomorrow so today is Daddy's birthday feast. ^^

We baked this FUDGE BROWNIE!! Ahh!! The rich smell of chocolate is enough to drive people crazy, not to mention the smell of chocolate baking/melting/cooking? Yumyum. ^^ Licking the pot [not literally] was nice, raw chocolate. ^^ I was thinking about the raw egg we put in, and wondering what else they put inside the brownie powder. O_O heck, what's eaten is gone.

I chopped up the cabbage, after chopping and washing cabbage, having dry hands feels good. ^^ We're gonna have coleslaw, made by me! Yay!! I love cooking! But I don't like washing up. My aunt is so cute! Her husband cooks better than her, so she washes up and chops up stuff while my uncle cooks. I think they're a really cute couple... And they've been married so long already.

I wanted to say something, but I forgot... >< Argh neverming, I havta go shred carrots now, or else no coleslaw.

I love you

Hey, it's labour day, I should be doing my homework. Now that is so ironic. But it's true I have this whole pile of homework waiting, wickedly, just sitting there, I can feel it's evil aura emanciating... I feel even more put off now.T_T

Haaiy. I finally went back to Touchkidz! Oh I love my church ^^. But I feel really bad when I slack off on devotion and all, and I just make up excuses to myself that I'm actually really busy, and I'll do it later, and later never comes. That happens with so much of my stuff, like homework. Telling someone something I really need to tell them. When's Mother's Day??

I haven't been a good girl actually, and I just think how nice it'll be if I could actually tell my Mum 'I love you' or something like that. That kind of thing, it's gonna be really hard to do, serious. I'm not the kind of person who's articulate about the things I really care about. And I do take alot of these things that are really close to my heart for granted. If I really mean something, most probably you'll never really hear me actually say it [stuff like I love you or I really appreaciate you]. Argh.

And I can't count how many times I might have said Iloveyou to someone who helped me or something like that. But when it comes to the time when I really mean it, it just won't come out, and there's this lump in my throat and my mouth'll be dry. I'm a lost case aren't I.