Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Post for Posting's sake

I have decided that I shall continue blogging, oh and to change my blogskin is on my to-do-but-deathly-procrastinated list as well. Ah, I forgot what I wanted to blog about again.

Youtube's down, just when I managed to persuade my mom to let me watch finish episode 2 of Ppoi. *cries* I hate you youtube! Such a love-hate one-sided unrequited relationship we have. Youtube and me. You-tube and me. You and me. Haha, I'm being lame, maybe this is a withdrawal symptom... I'm gonna be depressed? In denial? Crazy? Nahh, better things to do in life (which I can't currently think of at the moment). Oh well, I've been blogsurfing and not being a good girl and mugging for Geog/Math/Hist SA. Badbad girl, tsktsk.

By now I imagine everyone must know that this post seems to be just a post posted for posting's sake, but I assure you it is not, and it came from the back of my brain bottom of my heart.

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