Thursday, August 10, 2006

I've been really bad and not updating, not writing to my mortal, not, doing stuff I should be doing. Oh well, *sheepish smile*.

I love my younger brother lots. [Except when he's being irritating, stupid and selfish, which is almost all the time.] And I can't say that I've been the best kind of sister to him, which makes me a little sad and mad for me. But whenever I take a step back and look at the whole situation here, I see him in a quite pitiful state. Bah, poor poor thing.. T_T

He's 4 years younger than me, that means 6 years younger than my elder brother, and I know that isn't really a big age gap when you look at other families. But the way the world works is just wierd. His tenth birthday was over just a few days ago and it was kinda sad. I mean, my mom wasn't there for his "birthday celebration", so much for a birthday celebration. My dad didn't even buy a cake, thank god my aunt gave us this pandan cake, so we used that. I didn't know what to do to make it look nicer, so I wanted to put chocolate on it, I mean, the poor kid didn't get any presents from any of us, and mum wasn't there to sing him a birthday song. But horror of horrors, we didn't have any chocolate so my dad said use milo, smart. It kinda chocolized and became milo paste by the time we cut the cake. I should have put more.

Anyway, I was just thinking that my poor brother was kinda sad, as in his situation, he didn't look very sad, just a little dissapointed. My 10th birthday was great, so was my elder brothers tenth birthday. When I was 10 I wasn't crazy over the computer, it was kinda strictly used for work only. [Except for neopets? Or was that when I was p5? Ah nvm, I'm just thinking that as technology advances, children seem to have shorter childhoods. Another topic for RS, lol.

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