Thursday, April 27, 2006

Being Mean

Hmm. I'm totally bored and my class gets dirtier than it gets cleaned. Haiy, I forgot what I wanted to write. T_T NVM.

I shall crap about, nothing in particular. :P Well, what did I do? Hmm, yes, the Science competition thing was a total waste of time and money. I can't believe we had to py for that thing. If I get alot of careless mistakes, I'm gonna kill myself. Cuz the thing was SUPEReasy It practically TOLD you the answer. PSLE was harder than that stupid Science competetion thing. AND it's from Australia!! I can't believe that. Hmm, don't tell me that's the standard there, I don't believe.

I was pmsing yesterday. T_T I just refused to wash the dishes and made my brother do it. So I pray that today I'll have a better mood cuz I'm gonna have to wash two days in a row.

To all the people who have a maid and don't do chores. YOU ARE SPOILED THROUGH AND THROUGH. jkjk, I'm just being mean. and crapping. I have a feeling I don't wanna post this post anymore. I'm just crapping. T_T I'm being totally mean. Haiy

Tell me something funny so I'll laugh and I won't feel mean anymore.

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