Friday, April 21, 2006

Anorexiiiiia :: DiseasesDiseases

How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways...

I love thee like I love dung
I love thee to death's door
I love thee without implications
I love thee till it makes you poor

I love thee no better than an urchin
I love thee less than yonder dame
I love thee for loving thee
will give me no better name

I'm just being lame and ranting.. This is what stress does to you. Makes you crazy, makes you rant, makes you wanna go buy pants..... WHAT AM I DOING?!?!!

Someone make me sane again. I hear someone calling me go to eat porridge. Hopefully this'll make me more sensible. Ah... porridge is one of my comfort foods.. Eat it when I'm sick, eat it when I'm cold.. Eat it when my mom cooks it.. ><

There's this documentary on slimming centres airing now. Most of the people they've featured so far are anorexic.. O_O I don't really understand anorexic people. I mean I understand the desire to look good and impress, but, being anorexic is really... illogical. Being anorexic is like having a disease, actually, it is a disease, just psychological. To desire to be stick-thin so much so that you forsake your health? That's just, really stupid. I mean yes, really. You think being skinny will make you look good. Okae, understandable. But to be skinny and stuck at home or at the doctors all day, [hmm, unless you're trying to impress your doctor, but that's not the point..] The only people you're gonna impress is the people who see your ghastly face along the street from your house to the nearest clinic.

I blame the media. I blame those models. I blame branded goods coming in 00 sizes. Whoever I blame, will it make a difference anyway? Those who don't love their bodies in their natural state shouldn't be encouraged. It started with the.. I suppose if you want history, maybe those corsets. Or maybe before that, there were worse. I wouldn't know.

But to deprive your body, of health, of love, and definitely importantly, of good food. It's just really unfair to your poor body. I mean I don't mind eating salad, but to eat salads 4-5 times a week and that's it?? Where's the protein?? Where's the carbo? That is so not nutritionous. [Did I spell it right?]

I think I've written enough, at least I'm talking in a more sane manner.. *breathes slowly in and out*

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