Saturday, April 29, 2006


Ahh. The blogger thing quit on me!!! T_T I can't believe it, my blog which loves me so much? Quit on me? Something must be wrong with the internet...

It's finally FRIDAY! I can come and blog! yahhaha! Today's training was nice larh, as in normal and stuff, but it was wierd too. Wierd because my feet were always getting mysterious cuts appearing out of nowhere. It caused my lots of discomfort kae, not pain, cause it ws itchy and all. Haiy.

Tomorrow gonna go school for classifieds! :D I love being out at night! It feels so good! Especially if you're at some usually bustling area and then at night it quietens down abit. Orchard at night ain't bad. Going home late at night also is kinda fun. My Mum hardly sets curfews. Wait, does she even set curfews? Nahh, not really for me. There was once I came home at about 10-11. Hmm, my Mum gives me lotsa freedom.

But there's this wierd robber/flasher going around in my neighbourhood. O_O *bleargh* I always wondered why there were people who wanted to be flashers. I mean, they're the ones on the losing end. Not that the people who are being flashed to wants to see whatever the flasher has, but, I suppose it's just some fetish people have like being paedophilic. I think that little kids are cute, but not to the extent where I want to rape them. *bleargh*

Ah, enough sick stuff for now. I think I'm being affected by the Rape of Nanking thingum. *woozes*

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Being Mean

Hmm. I'm totally bored and my class gets dirtier than it gets cleaned. Haiy, I forgot what I wanted to write. T_T NVM.

I shall crap about, nothing in particular. :P Well, what did I do? Hmm, yes, the Science competition thing was a total waste of time and money. I can't believe we had to py for that thing. If I get alot of careless mistakes, I'm gonna kill myself. Cuz the thing was SUPEReasy It practically TOLD you the answer. PSLE was harder than that stupid Science competetion thing. AND it's from Australia!! I can't believe that. Hmm, don't tell me that's the standard there, I don't believe.

I was pmsing yesterday. T_T I just refused to wash the dishes and made my brother do it. So I pray that today I'll have a better mood cuz I'm gonna have to wash two days in a row.

To all the people who have a maid and don't do chores. YOU ARE SPOILED THROUGH AND THROUGH. jkjk, I'm just being mean. and crapping. I have a feeling I don't wanna post this post anymore. I'm just crapping. T_T I'm being totally mean. Haiy

Tell me something funny so I'll laugh and I won't feel mean anymore.

Sunday, April 23, 2006



Stupid school. I have a presentation, [which means an advertisement and blahblahblah] to hand in and present tomorrow. I also have one SA and one CA tomorrow. Also, a potential booking as I doubt I will bother to finish dear Ms. Lims math. I have been booked a super lot for tardiness already. I'm such a naughty girl ;><: And I have a stupid history pt where I'm supposed to submit a full length report [of which I can simply put into a few points] This is getting me stressed. I was super stressed today cuz of the stupid english pt. And when I'm super stressed I cry. And usually when I cry I'm either lamenting, or berating, or complaining. And today I did a hefty deal of all three. I don't really hate crying. It's a really good stress reliever. :D And I feel much better after I cry everything out. *sighs* Dang, I'm getting tired.. T_T Don't wanna fall asleep. Cannot fall asleep... T_T [That's even worse]

Today, I was asking myself why I came to RGS instead of going to just another neighbourhood school. Why I decided to inflict all the torture upon meself. Why I decided to become someone who's not supposed to be but does have a working adults schedule. Why do I want myself and the ones around me to suffer? What made me come to RGS? That's still my question at the end of the day.

Was coming to RGS really my choice or was it society's choice? I suppose it was a little-girl kinda dream to get into RGS. Fueled on by images of a dream school, with no bad people, only good and guai and and and... yah. Little dreams can be your downfall? What children can envision wiht nothing better to do. Haiy. I can't write anymore. My mind's dead. Someone save me.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Song Quiz

Woo! New Quiz! I love quizzess!

Instructions: Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.

How does the world see me? LOVE -Destiny-, Ayumi Hamasaki [... me=love??? -_-"]
Will I have a happy life? Yi Qian Nian Yi Qian, JJ Lin [um.. ok? So roundabout way of answering the question]
What do my friends really think of me? Suteki Da Ne, Final Fantasy [um, the meaning is?]
Do people secretly lust after me? B&C [somethingsomething in jap], Utada Hikaru [I'll find out the meaning of this song some other time..]
How can I make myself happy? *~Asterisk~, Orange Range [This is SO random]
What should I do with my life? Time will Tell, Utada Hikaru [LOL]
Will I ever have children? Confidence, Change My Life [um.. so I'm not confident enough? Or I'm too confident? Confident what? That I won't or will have kids??]
What is some good advice for me? Call Upon The Name Of The Lord, Arise [Ooh!! cool]
How will I be remembered? cool - logos naki, Ishii Yasushi [Ah!! I'm cool!]
What is my signature dancing song? Minamikaze, Shimokawa Mikuni [hmm, nice pleasant tune to it]
What do I think my current theme song is? Scarlet, Karin [lol]
What does everyone else think my current theme song is? Ta Luo Pai (TarotCards), F.I.R [haha]
What song will play at my funeral? Dreaming, Card Captor Sakura [Funny, the first words are so
comforting (It's alright, Daijiobu, Daijiobu [which means its ok]) But it's so upbeat.. T_T]
What type of men/women do I like? Wonderland, Ayumi Hamasaki [This song kinda creeps me out kae..]
Women: How did i fall in love with you? Prism [looking at the world through my rose-coloured (or in this case, 7-coloured) glasses]
What is my day going to be like? Will, lisa [um??? o_o]

Ahh, Randomness.. Most of the songs in my mp3 are Jap.. lol

Friday, April 21, 2006

Anorexiiiiia :: DiseasesDiseases

How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways...

I love thee like I love dung
I love thee to death's door
I love thee without implications
I love thee till it makes you poor

I love thee no better than an urchin
I love thee less than yonder dame
I love thee for loving thee
will give me no better name

I'm just being lame and ranting.. This is what stress does to you. Makes you crazy, makes you rant, makes you wanna go buy pants..... WHAT AM I DOING?!?!!

Someone make me sane again. I hear someone calling me go to eat porridge. Hopefully this'll make me more sensible. Ah... porridge is one of my comfort foods.. Eat it when I'm sick, eat it when I'm cold.. Eat it when my mom cooks it.. ><

There's this documentary on slimming centres airing now. Most of the people they've featured so far are anorexic.. O_O I don't really understand anorexic people. I mean I understand the desire to look good and impress, but, being anorexic is really... illogical. Being anorexic is like having a disease, actually, it is a disease, just psychological. To desire to be stick-thin so much so that you forsake your health? That's just, really stupid. I mean yes, really. You think being skinny will make you look good. Okae, understandable. But to be skinny and stuck at home or at the doctors all day, [hmm, unless you're trying to impress your doctor, but that's not the point..] The only people you're gonna impress is the people who see your ghastly face along the street from your house to the nearest clinic.

I blame the media. I blame those models. I blame branded goods coming in 00 sizes. Whoever I blame, will it make a difference anyway? Those who don't love their bodies in their natural state shouldn't be encouraged. It started with the.. I suppose if you want history, maybe those corsets. Or maybe before that, there were worse. I wouldn't know.

But to deprive your body, of health, of love, and definitely importantly, of good food. It's just really unfair to your poor body. I mean I don't mind eating salad, but to eat salads 4-5 times a week and that's it?? Where's the protein?? Where's the carbo? That is so not nutritionous. [Did I spell it right?]

I think I've written enough, at least I'm talking in a more sane manner.. *breathes slowly in and out*

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Hey, I don't really know what to talk about anymore.. Is it because school has drained me of my ability to think? Maybe, most likely. *sighs* I'm a queen. O_O. The queen of hearts from Alice In Wonderland.

I think it's so wierd that one of the most popular children's classics should be the worst example of a good piece of writing. At least according to what they teach in primary school. Ever rememebered of how your primary school teachers always reminded you not to write compositions that are a whole lot of nonsense, and then say that it was all a dream? Wow, And Alice woke up just like that from a ridiculously crazy story. I wish life was that easy. Then tomorrow, I would wake up from this madcap life of mine... Haiy, I bet Lewis Carroll didn't have to go through this madness..

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Stupid and Smart?

Ahh. Let me tell you this really stupid thing I did today. And why the benches on the mrt stations should not be the same colour as the floor. And why people should not be addicted to looking at your handphone screen.

Well, so I was playing with my handphone's multimedia album and I just found out how to use it. :D Funfun, got a little engrossed and as usual, walked out of the train not looking up. Well, usually I use the colour difference of any road-blocking objects to stop myself. Guess what, turns out the bench is the same colour as the platform floor. Looks like they used the same stone as well. So smart me hit the bench knees first, almost landed up kneeling on the bench and got wierd looks from this guy in a wierd green shirt with long hair. [I'm quite sure he was a guy, although I was trying very hard to avoid looking at him, and I didn't see his face properly and only saw his back.]

So people, when you start doing stuff like me, you must learn to laugh at yourself. Like me, just that you shouldn't laugh on the spot. Go home, sit somewhere, then laugh. Or else you'd attract more attention, and wierd stares from people who didn't even see you doing some embarrasing thing.

Thank you to all the nice nice people who made Barnabas easter event a real success. Like Angela, Josiah, April, Marcus, Uncle Peter, Uncle Cheng Kiong? >< , Steve, Gorgor Isaac, and all the rest of the cast! You guys were great! Ah, I wonder which of them will actually read this.

Hmm, moral of the story? Shameless advertising >< haha, [it's my current msn nick.. :D]

SuperNanny? What for?

Ah. Quizzes are fun. Little Get-togethers are fun too! ^^

The last sentence had no connection whatsoever to what I'm gonna say now.

I was watching super-nanny the other day. THE KIDS WERE TOTALLY HORRIBLE. Commiting henious crimes in broad daylight. And their poor mum.. Although she was the victim of all the henious crimes, but I think it was her fault. She didn't discipline her kids and they were running all over her. Almost literally. Mei Da Mei Xiao. Worse than that actually.

Call me traditional or prudish or whatever. I don't care. But I think that kids must have respect for their elders. Maybe it's because of the way I've been disciplined. *shrugs* But I think that those english families have this kind of problems with their kids [even at such a young age] is because they don't inflict physical pain on them. On supernanny, the 4/5 year old boy hit his mother and his mother didn't even whack him. If I slapped my mom, I think I would be grounded for a year and I'd get a tight slap then a caning before the whole grounded thing. And all that english mother did was shake him [rather gently by my standards] and make him sit on this bench. Which he happily just got off and started running around.

Can you believe it?? Spare the rod, Spoil the child. How true how true. If I ever have children, I'd never spare them the rod. There used to be at least ten things that could be used to cane me and my brothers in the house [e.g cane, feather duster, paddle] Ohman, remember my mom even used a comb once. T_T She was combing my hair. lol. But I think that, it was really good that we used to get beaten. hmm, the last time I got a caning would be a few years back? Train when your younger and you'll save much more trouble.

My younger brother was spoilt. At least I think so, he didn't get as many beatings as we used to when we were young. So now, he's really rude. hmph. And he makes my mom lose her temper, then no one dares to cross her path [sometimes not even my dad..] But, he cna be real sweet sometimes. Just like my youngest cousin.. lol.

Ahh. To end off on a light note after all that. Take a deep breath, forget the last person who made you angry and remember the last person who made you happy.

* i AM A CUDDLER - ??As in nice to be cuddled or likes cuddling others??

* i AM A MORNiNG PERSON - False. I'm a night person. Which also means early morning??

* i AM A PERFECTiONiST - False

* i AM AN ONLY CHiLD - False

* i AM CATHOLiC - False. Hmm. This gives us a clue to the person who thought of this quiz




* i AM OKAY AT STYLiNG OTHER PEOPLE'SHAiR - False... wait. Who's hair?

* i AM LEFT HANDED - False

* i AM ADDiCTED TO MY MYSPACE - False. Firstly I don't have that. Secondly, why would I be addicted to something which is non-existent?


* i AM VERY SHY AROUND THE OPPOSiTE SEX AT FiRST - True. um.. what's with the AT FIRST? but hey, if you're friendly and don't make me unconfortable I'm friendly to you too. :D

* i BiTE MY NAiLS - False

* i CAN BE PARANOiD AT TiMES - True. Then it follows by a period of highness after learning that the teacher I owe overdue homework isn't in school that day. ^^

* i CURRENTLY REGRET SOMETHiNG THAT i HAVE SAiD - False. All my regret has been forgotten. I can hardly remember what I did last week anyway. serious.




* i DON'T LiKE ANYONE - False. wait. As in just liking [ya] or infatuation [no]? I ain't anti-social.


* i ENJOY SMOOTHiES - True!!! Mm,mm Smoothies are just SO good [especially if they're homemade!!]

* i ENJOY TALKiNG ON THE PHONE - Depends. Who am I talking with?



* i HAVE A PET - False


* i HAVE A TENDENCY TO FALL FOR THE "WRONG PERSON" - True. I shouldn't have fallen when Ong Mian Xia threw me. T_T

* i HAVE ALL MY GRANDPARENTS - Since I was born I never had half.


* i HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT i'M SMART - True. And I know it myself.

* i HAVE BROKEN A BONE - False. Aww.






* i HAVE FRiENDS WHO HAVE NEVER SEEN MY NATURAL HAiR COLOUR - True. My natural hair colour is white. However, the dye will only wear off in a few decades [talk about permanent..]

* i HAD MAJOR/MiNOR SURGERY - True. Stitches count right?

* i HAD KiLLED ANOTHER PERSON - False. See here is where the grammer goes wrong. I have killed another person.



* i HAVE KiSSED SOMEONE i KNEW i SHOULDN'T - False. Who have I kissed in the past year? Or two? um.. I don't recall anyone.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Beef Steak on Good Friday

hmm. Bryan said I should post more everyday things here. Like What?? My life isn't boring but I ain't good at story-telling. And don't I post everyday stuff?? T_T Well so here goes...

I had beef today.

How's that? Ah, the main point is my mom is one of the greatest cooks I know. But I'm no food connosuier... connosiuer... [HOW in the WORLD is this word supposed to be spelt] heck, anyway, you get the point. Ah, home is one of the best places for a good meal. ^^ I'm sure many will agree. You get so much variety [practically free] and the food is not horrible [not reffering to the people with mom's who can't cook {trust me there are.}] Mothers should know how to cook. ^^ Where else can children find comfort food? [If you say Macs {or any fast food joint for that matter} I think, I'll faint] Hmm..

I suppose my comfort food would be hot milo with a little instant coffee powder in it. ^^ Ah, rainy days are so good. And my mom's cooking. I shall say it again! All moms should know how to cook. There, if your mom can't cook, um, I hope your dad can. If your dad can't, I hope you have a relative that lives with you that does.

Boys should learn how to cook as well! My uncle is a great chef!! I only learned he was once a chef about 1-2 years ago? There were so many things about my family that I had no idea. Well,*shrugs* kids are kinda oblivious to our surroundings sometimes.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Desert Dessert?

My lips are parched. I have mouth ulcers. I feel like maybe I'm walking in an endless desert. And there's water in an available distance. What is wrong with me????

I don't like water. During training, water seems to be like heaven to a dry mouth-lip-tongue. But on normal days, I don't drink much water. Why?? I like water. Sometimes I prefer other stuff to water, but if there's water, I like it. Water has a sweet taste to it. At least some kinds of water do. Others have a kind of ionised taste to it. Search me, on Da Chang Jin they said that different kinds of water will produce different kinds of taste. But now I think it's different kinds of pollution will produce different kinds of water... *shrugs*

I'll drink water if I'm thirsty. But if not I only touch stuff like milo, or soya bean milk, or bandung, or softdrinks. So I think I drink less than about 6 glasses of water everyday [on non-traing days that is] That is BAD. I'm gonna die of dehydration one day... >< T_T

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ya know, sometimes I really wish I was a guy, others, I thank God I'm female. -_-" Like yesterday. There was this certain someone [obviously a guy] who was oblivious about his surroundings. hmph. We were chatting over msn, and most of the time he was crapping.

Well, so I was trying to ignore him but the msn chatbox kept on appearing. and the reason I was trying to ignore him was because my mom was right next to me. And she was trying to get me off the com. So this certain someone asked me why I wasn't replying, and was it because I was drooling over some guy-who-I-don't-actually-know's picture. O_O Do you actually think I'd do that? You gotta be joking *laughs* So I closed that box 'cause my mom was right next to me. I had no idea what was going on in her mind. But I was trying my very best not to laugh at the ridiculousity of it all. *laughs*

All I have to say to that guy is no offense but, sometimes when people don't reply to you means that they don't want to talk to you or they're not available. And you should then find someone else to talk to.

Think before you speak. Or type in this case.

Friday, April 07, 2006

is she all

Does Anyone Even Read My Posts? I Know Geri Does, But Is She All?

Is She All.

Never say Never

Music now: Coldplay - The Scientist []

Ahh, it's the weekend now. I treated yesterday like it was the weekend anyway. *shrugs* Haha, I'm happy that I didn't gofor Cadenza concert now. I spent the whole night watching Da Chang Jin yesterday till 3+am. I felt good the next day. I woke up so late!! 9am leh. T_T I think I'm gonna spend the night watching Da Chang Jin again^^ Can't wait.

Hmm, what did I want to talk about today? Talk about forgetfullness >< . Is forgetfulness spelt with two 'l's or one? >< Ah yes, never say never. Never say Never. That's what my uncle told me. Or else I'll have to eat my words. Actually, thinking about it now, eating my words ain't that bad, I've eaten too many of my words already. *sighs*

Guess what I said never about. I said "I'll never marry a guy who can't cook". Ah, big dreams. ^^ lol. Then my uncle and aunt said I'd most likely have to eat my words. *sticks out tongue* too bad. To avoid marrying someone who can't cook I won't even have any romantic interest about anyone who can't cook. Hahah *truimphant laughter* The best plans are the most stupid. Then they said that I'm gonna have a hard time getting married. [I'm gonna be a spinster! ^^] Firstly to have someone taller than me would leave me with 10% of the male population. Then to ask for someone who can cook from there would be practically impossible [I'm happy *shrugs*] I hope I don't marry. I hope I don't fall in love either.

It seems such a hassle. Infatuation is worse. Idolizing someone is the worst of all. blah, I'm starting to crap, why am I talking bout these kinda things? Oh, at the time when I was talking with them, it seemed so funny, and with my cousin injecting stuff like 'know how to cook instant noodles can already' and 'Oh, I know how to cook rice what' Then my uncle went, 'when I was stayed in a hostel I could cook a whole meal okae?' My cousin added that he could fry eggs 'so egg and rice add a little bit of black sauce is a meal already lorh' Haha. See why I won't ever marry a guy that can't cook?

All my uncle and aunts are so nice. And they all dote on me alot. :D At least all the ones on my mom's side. [well, I'm the only girl there anyway] I'm so spoilt man. so spoilt. *doesn't really care*

Never say Never then. I'll have to edit this post if I ever.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hey, I forgot how horrible weight training was. Then I started thinking WHAT in the world made me inflict such self-torture on myelf. FuYing... YiDan... *haunts you both* ah but I feel good now. Another few weight trainings and I'll ave arms muscles. ^^ Like Emma!! But her's are getting lousier due to lack of practice. Oh man, I can't believe how easily her bones break. I bet she doesn't take alot of calcium products. *cheese is good...*

Ah, what did I want to write about? Ah ya, my forgetfullness. :D I didn't get booked for my low socks today, nor did I get booked for not having a nametag. [must remember to buy badge] But I got booked for not handing in something that I should have handed in long ago and I do have it but I just ALWAYS forget to bring it. If someone could install me a memory chip, I'd be so very pleased.

My history teacher confiscated my sketchbook. This is the second time. The third time, she's gonna tell my parents. I should tie my hands up during history class. Not that xin tong, but it's the sketchbook geri gave me, and Shane's drawing of megaman is in there. Lol, Shane is cute. Guess what? We were watching Bend It Like Beckham. So why must I be looking up at the screen when I could just as well be listening to a radio talk about how this indian man got kicked out of the cricket club and got laughed at by the cricket team cuz of his turban. Turbans are kinda cool, makes me think of Arabia and ___ and the 40 thieves. I can't remember who. ><

Ah, Arabia is cool, not so much anymore, It's kinda lost it's exoticness in the modern world. But most historic countries are all exotic, except for europe and america. Look at China, the middle east, Persia, blahblah. Even the Russian tzars were kinda cool. But europe ah, drab and dull, seeking to conquer so the world will notice. I must tie my hands up during history, for my own sake. I do listen to her, just my eyes aren't on her and my hands are a little busy. But what for eyes when what she's saying can't be seen and what for hands when what she's saying can't be felt?

The people of the world... *sighs*
Oh, I just realised we're supposed to um highlight the stuff >< *blurr*
been in love
been dumped
been fired
been in a fist fight
snuck out of your parent's house
been arrested
gone on a blind date
skipped school
seen someone die
been to Canada
been to Mexico
been on a plane
love someone or miss someone right now
lain on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
made a snow angel
flown a kite
built a sand castle
gone puddle jumping
played dress up
jumped into a pile of leaves
gone sledding
cheated while playing a game
been lonely
fallen asleep at work/school
used a fake id
watched the sun set
felt an earthquake/tremor
been through a hurricane
touched a snake
slept beneath the stars
been tickled
been robbed
been misunderstood
danced in the moonlight
liked the way I look
witnessed a crime
questioned my heart
been obsessed with post-it notes
squished barefoot through the mud
been lost
been to the opposite side of the country
swum in the ocean
felt like dying
cried yourself to sleep
played cops and robbers
recently colored with crayons
sung karaoke
paid for a meal with only coins
done something you told yourself you wouldn't
made prank phone calls
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
caught a snowflake on your tongue
danced in the rain
written a letter to Santa Claus
been kissed under a mistletoe
blown bubbles
made a bonfire on the beach
crashed a party
gone roller-skating
glued your hand to something
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole
kissed a fish
sat on a roof top
screamed at the top of your lungs
done a one-handed cartwheel
talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
stayed up all night
didn't take a shower for a week
pick and ate an apple right off the tree
climbed a tree
had a tree house
is scared to watch scary movies alone
believed in ghosts
have more then 30 pairs of shoes
jumped into a pool/hot tub/lake with all your clothes on
been told you're hot by a complete stranger
broken a bone
been easily amused
caught a fish then ate it
caught a butterfly
laughed so hard you cried
cried so hard you laughed
cheated on a test
cheated on a lover
have a Britney Spears CD
forgotten someone's name
French braided someone's hair
gone skinny dipping in a pool
have had a fantasy over someone you love as a good friend
run tanned naked
ran naked in the rain

I did write a letter to Santa Claus and he replied kae. I still have his letter to me, he said I had been a good girl. The North Pole is cool. My childhood is seriously one great childhood.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Got this off Geri's blog cuz I'm feeling real bored and in no mood to do jap sakubun

10 firsts:

first boyfriend/girlfriend: HAHA never had one. don't plan on having one

first best friend: Sher [and yvonne, but I can't remember yvonne anymore]

first lie: >< My first lie, the one I remember the most. P1?? I remember cuz I got a red marks on my hand after that

first piercings: Ears, 7, with sher, they closed already at 8 [am i pro or what?]

first crush: p5?

first CD: Um,I don't know. u can check my cupboard, I'm not into cds that much, most of the stuff I want is on the net. [mind you, it's not illegal, the stuff I want I mean]

first stuffed animal: I have no idea. My bed cupboard is full of the stuff


last cigarette: huh? what? smoking? I'm underage, anyway, my pastor said it tasted gross.

last alchoholic beverage: um. wine at jiejie may's wedding?

last movie seen: Dont ask. Ohya. Marathon. It's really nice. I RECOMMEND IT!!

last phone call: today

last cd played: anime, yakitate JAPAN!! :D on yesterday

last bubble bath: p2? Then my bro kicked a hole in the tub a year back.

last time you cried: When I watched Marathon. :D Told you it's good

last song: Seymour's Ambition

last thing you said online: don't ask.

have you evers:

have you ever dated one of your best friends: who would want to DO that??

have you ever skinny dipped: Singapore doesn't have crystal clear lakes with a huge forest surrounding them.

have you ever been on tv: hmm, no?

have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: No

have you ever fallen in love: Love. no Infatuation. ya

have you ever lost someone you loved: .no?

have you ever been depressed: yupyup.

have you ever woken up and not known where you were: YES guess where I was. at home.

7 places you've been to today:

1. RGS

2. RI

3. Rivervale Plaza

4. Home?

5. I'm running out of stuff. busstop

6. To sleep

7. The fantasy world of cyberspace

6 things you've done today:

1. Learned the Mambo

2. Sweat a whole lot of sweat

3. tapped my laptop keys

4. gave TTK and Melody of Oblivion to Shuyan. finally

5. wore my new glasses during chem

6. watched a little of the first episode of xin niang shi ba sui

:D Favorite things to do in NO order:

1. Drink Milo

2. Go to church

3. sleep

4. *my brain's dead*

5. think

3 choices:

1. chicken or beef flavor ramen noodles? beef

2. makeup, or no makeup? none

3. cute outfit, or jeans and hoodie? cute outfit=?? jeans and hoodie.

2 things you want to do before you die:

1. Know that I know God

2. Set up my boutique

1 wish:

I wish I can really be a good christian and find my strength and happines in my Lord.

I can hear Da Chang Jin music in the backgrnd, my mom's so gonna kill me.

God and love

I feel super dumb. I feel super dead. And I can't wait for sunday cause it's church day. :D Church is nice, church is good. I ain't promoting my religion or anything but it's really true. My church inspires me, fills me up with good feeling [lol, that came out wierd]. Gives me my dreams and my goals.

Dance today was kinda fun, Ms Amy is real nice [but sick]. Geri was unsporting,well so was I, but not as bad as Geri. >< Anyway, I think Geri dances well :D, mambo is fun. You know, they should make RI guys learn dance as well. Just because your in a boys school gives you reason to slack off? Totally unfair kae. You don't learn how to cook, you don't learn how to dance, you don't learn how to sew, you don't learn.. don't learn.. LOTS OF LIFESKILLS. Why do people think RI is so great seriously. [I'm so gonna get LOTS of enemies] But my cousin "developed" into a selfish pig, in RI. :

Someone said I was reliable. I have a feeling that someone, or more specifically, those two someones were joking. Reliable? Me? *laughs my head off* *cough.sputter* Ah anyway, I'm feeling high and hyper, which alo makes me crappy, so there might be alot of insignificant things in this post that you might want to skip and go straight to the bottom line where I sum everything up.

Singing the national anthem to the clock is so funny it makes me feel like laughing. [but people would call me wierd] But at least singing to the clock is better than not singing at all. People should not push others. [literally and figuratively] 213 has too much attitude than our teachers can handle [not exactly the best thing ever] Our teacher's think we hate them, but we think our teacher's hate us first, so then we do seem like we hate them and blahblahblah. Our form teacher is pissed with us, I just realised she uses the word 'pissed' alot. I like my form teacher but doubt she likes me. *takes a deep breath* I want to play in the rain like I used to. I'm so bored now. I have a jap compo to hand in tomorrow and I haven't started. How smart. I also have so much homework I haven't started on but has no idea what they are. I need to do filing. Our heavy workload and increasingly hectic schedule leaves us 14 year olds with no time for play or recreation.

God loves me and I want to love the people. People give me a chance to love.