Friday, June 09, 2006


I'm currently eating this delicious noodles mixed with a little gravy that looks suspiciously of liquified liver. In my room. On my bed. I'll be dead if my Dad sees me. Oh, and guess what, my Dad can cook food other than pasta. Chinese cuisine rocks.

If you thought this might be another long post on how nice food is, well guess again, I'm here to say that... erm. Oh dear, I can't remember what I wanted to say now. I bet this is the kind of thing people laugh at? Like how mr tan and ya chong was laughing at me just because I didn't play that slap-hand game. SO MEAN. Argh, and I'm still wondering WHY they were laughing. They kept on saying it just came so naturally........ Does mr tan keep a blog??

Anyway, maybe it's because of these kinds of things that I can get a super low self esteem. >< Argh, I'm in no mood to talk about this now. Lets talk about soccer.

I still don't see how a game can drive so many people worldwide crazy. Hey, monopoly was never this popular. And watching 22 sweaty men run across a green background just makes me think 'Of all the things people could be doing...' Like watching women play, hey, they look better than men. How come nobody airs the women's world cup?? Anyway, back to the point. Can someone, anyone, tell me whats so great about watching men run across a HUGE green pitch fighting over a little black and white ball? And they fight over that little ball so badly that they need someone to keep them in check.

Watching soccer doesn't exactly make you any more like whichever person you idolise in whichever team. At most it adds on the calories for being a couch potato. I don't know what else to say, I might as well eat chocolate to get me high, or a cold banana for that matter. [cold bananas are really good!! Everyone should try a cold banana!!]

Before I fall asleep, I shall say that street soccer is much more fun than soccer. And that I won't watch a single match except the finals, and maybe the semis. And Brazil's gotta win. Haha.

Even now, in the opening match, I can hear my brother jumping up and down outside my room. And I bet he doesn't even support whichever team who just scored a goal. And there's a simultaneous shout resonating from the opposite blocks of flats. Haiy.

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